Monday, August 13, 2007

What's the Diff?

Tyke: Mom? Dad? What's the difference between "incarcerated" and "incinerated"?

Mom & Dad [prolonged laughter followed by apt explanation]

It was an amusing moment, but I shortly thereafter I had another, much more sober thought. In at least one situation, I wish incarceration and incineration could be combined. When it comes to the case of the inhuman scumbags responsible for a recent unspeakable crime, I think there are isolated situations for which the death penalty should be reinstated in Connecticut, and these sick bastards--inexplicably free as birds on parole at the time--should be burned alive on the town common. The only problem is, there's not a town common big enough for the huge crowds who'd gladly race to the site to cheer it on. I'm sure the draw would be bigger than Rolling Stones, U2, and Police concerts combined. Maybe the event--undoubtably overflowing--could be held at Rentschler Field.

The crime: Two life-long criminals recently out of prison, who apparently met at a halfway house where they had both stayed in the past, go on a crazy protracted spree similar to that of the Manson gang in the late 60's. They rape, beat, strangle, bank-rob and tie up a family, set the house on fire when at least three are still alive inside, and then deliberately crash and wreck police cruisers upon attempted escape in--what else--the family's car, which they've stolen. Accidentally, there's one poor survivor. He undoubtedly wishes he didn't live through it.

Oh, and so far all that's come out of this is the news, revealed today, that parolees who meet certain criteria (like these guys) will be required to wear GPS devices. Yeah. So that the next time a parolee decides to go on a spree, the "authorities" (as if they're looking anyway) will know where they're out continuing to commit crimes. And if their free space is limited to their neighborhoods, their neighbors will get to be the lucky victims.

For some crimes, there should be absolutely no "salvation" or "forgiveness," or "mercy," and unfortunately there is no punishment yet devised that is bad enough to fit. We, the taxpayers, get the privilege of footing the bill for serving them "justice." They get to be fed, clothed and sheltered for free. They get TV, cigarettes, libraries, internet. (Frankly, I hope they partake of lots of cigarettes and die slowly in great suffering.) While incarcerated, they clearly can't work, so aren't paying taxes back into the system that supports them. Meanwhile, legitimately homeless people unemployed due to a Bush economy--or bankrupted by scam mortgages or astronomical medical bills thanks to our excellent health care system--are viewed as social pariahs to be shooed off the street. Why are people who clearly could not have done such a thing if they thought they had anything worthwhile left to lose anyway entitled to justice? They didn't think their victims were entitled to anything.

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